CROSS EXAMINATION:In law, is the interrogation of a witness called by one´s opponent. It is preceded by direct examination known as examination-in- chief (Australia, Canada, UK, Scotland, India and Pakistan) and may be followed by a redirect.
Cross E. is considered an essential component of a jury trial because the impact it has on the opinion of the judge and jury. A cross examiner must not only be effective at getting the witness to reveal the truth but in most cases ti reveal confusion as to the facts such as time, dates, people, places, wording, etc.
Cross examination frecuently prodeces critical evidence in trials, especially if a witness contradicts previous testimony. Typically, the cross examiner must appear friendly, talk softly and sincerely to relax the witness.
Silvia Lopez Quijada.
Typically, the cross examiner must appear friendly, talk softly and sincerely to relax the witness. google